New wood burning flyer

19th March 2024

Did you know that domestic wood burning in the UK produces more particulate matter than traffic?

And did you know that an Ecodesign wood burning stove is several hundred times more polluting than a gas boiler?

It is an uncomfortable truth that wood burning creates a huge amount of air pollution in the UK, causing or exacerbating health issues from asthma to heart disease, cancer to strokes and diabetes to fertility issues.

Please join us in raising awareness of this difficult-to-talk-about issue by downloading our flyer (just click on the image above) and sharing it digitally, or you can order paper flyers for free here. You can also find both the digital and print versions on our Resources page.

Get in touch if you’d like to join us to campaign on this issue; we have a network of wood burning campaigners across the UK. And do sign up to our newsletter if you’d like to know more about air pollution and our campaigns.


Clean Air Now


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