
Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Open letter about diesel emissions

There are still millions of diesel cars on our roads emitting suspiciously high levels of air pollution. We’ve written an open letter to the judge on the upcoming diesel emissions class action. We need full transparency about the vehicle emissions we are all breathing.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Local authorities still failing to tackle wood burning

Our latest research, building on our previous Freedom of Information requests from 2021 and 2023, again reveals the inadequacy of the Government’s legislation in tackling air pollution from wood burning in smoke control areas.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

What is a Mums for Lungs Clean Air School?

Mums for Lungs is proud to announce our new accreditation system for primary and secondary schools. We’re inviting schools in Southwark and Lambeth to sign up and acknowledge their important role in reducing air pollution. 

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

School Streets Facebook group

Our School Streets Facebook group brings together people from all over the UK to talk about School Streets. We collectively share information, answer questions, give advice and can set up one-to-one chats

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Make the school run your superpower!

Whichever way you look at it, the school run will take up a significant amount of your life over the next seven years. But it doesn’t have to be a horror story.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Greater Manchester School Streets campaigning guide

Both Mayor Andy Burnham and the leader of Manchester City Council Bev Craig have committed to implementing many more School Streets across GM in the next few years. We want to help start the ball rolling, so we’ve created a campaigning guide for School Streets across Greater Manchester.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

General election posters

We’ve teamed up with The Ella Roberta Foundation, Mothers Rise Up and Parents for Future UK to create these eye-catching A4 posters for the general election…

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

New wood burning flyer

It is an uncomfortable truth that wood burning creates a huge amount of air pollution in the UK. Please join us in raising awareness of this difficult-to-talk-about issue by downloading our flyer…

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Let's keep air pollution on the political agenda

With a General Election approaching, the issue of air pollution and its impact on our children's health must be placed high on the agenda.

With the Labour Party’s apparent backing away from their £28bn a year commitment to green investment, we need to make our voices heard and urge Sir Keir Starmer to stay strong on the environment.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Wood burning: government failings

Our new research reveals the inadequacy of the Government’s legislation in tackling air pollution from wood burning. Only three fines have been handed out in Smoke Control Areas since Jan 2022, despite 10,000 complaints.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

We’re hiring!

We are excited to announce that in 2024 we will be expanding our reach across London and beyond, and are therefore looking for an experienced Volunteer Coordinator.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Christmas Cards

This year we have created our first ever Christmas cards. Join us in sending season’s greetings while also sharing simple ideas on reducing air pollution in our everyday lives.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Wood burning posters

It’s wood burning season and we want to help spread the word about the air pollution impact of burning wood in open fires, stoves and firepits.

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