School Streets report with Possible

17th February 2021

Walnut Tree Walk Primary_credit Charlie Holland.jpeg

School Streets: Reducing children’s exposure to toxic air pollution and road danger

Our new report, published with climate charity Possible, has analyzed the potential for School Streets in four towns in the UK: London, Birmingham, Bristol, and Leeds.

Researchers from the University of Westminster’s Active Travel Academy and Transport for Quality of Life found that a comprehensive rollout of School Streets in the four cities would reduce exposure to air pollution and road danger for 1.25 million primary and secondary students.

In all four cities, around half of schools were either already School Streets or were judged likely to be feasible for the scheme.

However, on its own the School Street scheme is not enough to reduce traffic and clean up the air sufficiently. There is a need for wider measures as well, which can amplify the benefits of School Streets. The impacts in areas with more extensive road closures could be three times the size. Examples of such wider measures include clean air zones, a pay-per-mile eco levy on vehicle usage and well-designed low traffic neighbourhoods.

Read more in the report here.


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