
Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Primary school air pollution assemblies

We have written two primary school air pollution assemblies, one for Key Stage 1 (age 5 to 7) and one for Key Stage 2 (age 7 to 11), to help inform the next generation about the impacts of air pollution.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Clean Air Carnival

On Thursday June 8th, we held a Clean Air Carnival, as the culmination to our Spring Science Fest!

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

ScienceFest! A celebration of clean air

Mums for Lungs are proud to present … our first ever ScienceFest! In this celebration of clean air we've collaborated with some of the most prestigious scientific organisations in the UK to create an army of junior citizen scientists, who are learning about, measuring and assessing the air around us.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Air Pollution Alerts

In light of the recent high air pollution alerts in London, we're setting up a network to ensure information gets passed more easily to schools and parents & carers ahead of future air pollution episodes.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

School Streets camera costs research

Our new research shows that using Automatic Number Plate Reinforcement (ANPR) cameras to enforce School Streets means they are also self-funding within their first year, with London’s existing 500+ school streets in London currently creating a £31m revenue stream.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Updated wood burning flyer

We originally launched our wood burning flyer in June 2021 on Clean Air Day. Since then, new data has been published on the amount of air pollution that wood burning produces, and so we felt it was time for an update.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

We’re hiring!

We are excited to announce that Mums for Lungs is expanding our ever-growing network of activists and supporters to Greater Manchester.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

School Streets flyers

To help you campaign for a School Street at your school, we have now created a form so that you can order our School Streets flyers directly.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Write to your head teacher about air pollution

To celebrate Car Free Day this year, we are encouraging parents to contact their children’s schools to highlight the issue of air pollution and why it’s important for everyone - but especially schools - to take action to reduce it.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Time is running out for clean air

Matt Oliver from Hark Films approached us earlier this year to ask us if he could make a short film about air pollution for us. We said yes please! Huge thanks to him and the brilliant Sophie Cartman for their time on this.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Why don’t you campaign on…

…the tube, low traffic neighbourhoods, incinerators, perfumes or air fresheners, mould, flame retardants, VOCs in paints…?

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Raising air pollution awareness in Brent

After a successful collaboration with three schools in Lambeth in 2021, Mums for Lungs and Lin Kam Art are very pleased to have extended our air pollution art project to Brent in North West London this year. 

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Cleaner Air Market

We’re excited to announce that in June we will be joining Fare City, Clean Cities, Pedal Me and Wheels for Wellbeing in taking part in a Cleaner Air Market at Maltby Street Market in Southwark.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Local Elections 2022

Local elections are coming up across the country in May. We want to ensure that the need for strong action to tackle air pollution is high on council agendas. Read about our four asks for councils here.

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schools Jane Dutton schools Jane Dutton

Air Pollution Art Trail

In a collaboration with local Lambeth schools, we have created an art trail celebrating clean air in air pollution hotspots around the borough. Wyvil and Loughborough Primary Schools have hosted the first of these art installations, created by the children and artists, and co-ordinated by Mums For Lungs. 

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Celebrating the ULEZ Expansion

Today marks the launch of the Ultra Low Emission Zone expansion - something we’ve been looking forward to for a very long time! To celebrate, we have created some eye-catching posters and banners with 9 other campaigning groups across London.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Our wood burning research

Earlier this year we wrote to all English councils to ask how many fines they’d issued for wood burning over the previous five years. The answer? 18,600 complaints in 6 years to councils about wood smoke pollution, yet only 19 fines have been issued (3 per year) in just 7 areas.

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